Explore our Workplace Wellness Services
Sanar works with each organization to identify workplace wellness opportunities and develop streamlined solutions to build out team resources for trauma-informed wellness and professional development support.
Engage Our Experts to Tackle Your Team’s Toughest Wellness Issues
Case Consultations
A space for staff members to discuss and develop plans to respond to traumatic content or situations.
Build Teams That Thrive When Encountering Workflow Challenges
Group Coaching
Staff come together in a small group setting for skill-building and capacity strengthening support.
Evaluate Your Agency’s Wellness Preparedness and Response
Organizational Assessments
A customized assessment to evaluate work culture, policies and procedures using a trauma-informed lens.
Customize Your Team’s Professional Development Opportunities
Trainings and Workshops
Discussion-based sessions that aim to enhance knowledge and implementation of trauma-informed best practices.
Explore Individual Support Sessions
Sanar’s Workplace Wellness program provides one-on-one virtual support to staff members who may be experiencing vicarious trauma or other work / life balance challenges. Our Workplace Wellness individual support sessions include:
Individual Wellness Sessions
One-on-one virtual support including wellness planning and processing work / life balance challenges.
Leadership and Management Coaching
Individual (or group) coaching sessions aimed towards skill-building for organizational leaders.
Trauma Response Management Sessions
Sessions can be quickly accessed for time-sensitive support after exposure to traumatic stimuli.
Sanar’s Workplace Wellness Partners
Sanar has cultivated relationships with partners in both the for-profit and nonprofit spaces.